Mercari clone app development

How To Develop An App Like Mercari? Cost & Features

Due to technological advancements in the online market, business adventurers like the Mercari App have entered and changed online product buying and selling. Capable of providing a great user experience, Mercari has grown in popularity and attracted millions of users. Any person who wants to create an app similar to Mercari must understand the essential elements, development stages, and the price they must pay. Here, you’ll learn how to start Mercari clone app development, what features to implement, and how much it will cost to develop and sustain such an app.

What is the Mercari App?

Mercari is an online P2P selling platform whereby people can purchase and sell products ranging from clothing and electronics to household goods and trinkets. First created in 2013 in Japan, Mercari grew in other countries, such as the United States, and with time, it became trendy. The app enables sellers to post items to sell, search for products on sale, or make purchases from the comfort of their mobile phones.

The app’s primary reason for success is its simplicity. It enables everyday people to clean up their houses, get good deals, and create an additional source of income by helping others do the same. Thus, availability, payment integration, and an optimized delivery system have made the app popular among users.

How to Develop an App Like Mercari

1. Market Research and Planning

In the same manner, market analysis must take place before the development of the Mercari clone app. To acquire this, thoroughly apprehend the target institution, examine the opponents, and discover what makes your application stand out within the market. Clearly outline the functions, technology stack, and improvement timeframes in your planning.

2. Choosing the Right Development Team

The key to developing a good application is to select the right development team with the right talent. Therefore, hiring developers with a history of developing e-commerce apps is essential, especially from a pool of candidates with such a history. The two options are to create a team responsible for company development or contract it out to an outside agency. Ensure your selected team is continually updated on the latest technologies and sticks to the best practices in application development.

3. Design and User Experience (UX)

This makes your app’s usability vital in making user attraction and holding on to those users. Stressing on having a ‘clean,’ simple, and easily navigable site design or a User Interface (UI). The UX design should also enhance usability, where the users can easily use the application, post items for sale, and purchase items from others. Some of the things one needs to adapt are things like the swipe function, filters that are made easily accessible, and a seamless checkout experience.

4. Backend Development

The backend is your application’s working engine, incorporating all its functionality. This comprises handling user data, handling transactions between consumers and producers, and many other tasks. Select a robust and flexible backend solution capable of withstanding the level of traffic you expect so your application will be fast even with a huge number of users.

5. Integrating Essential Features

Include all the functional elements that help your app function and a user interface. These range from user registration to product posting, searching capabilities, safe payment acceptance, shipping options, and user feedback mechanisms. The technology feature should be well-designed and implemented to function optimally.

6. Testing and Quality Assurance

Testing is one of the most crucial elements you want to consider before launching the app. Many other things must be carried out, along with helpful usability, performance, and security testing. One should also check for flaws that caused hitches in the initial run and rectify them. Due to the testing process, the application is likely to be more effective, improve its chances in the market, and obtain favorable criticism from the users.

7. Launching and Marketing

However, once your app is ready and has undergone development and testing, it is time to take your baby to the app stores. But this is not where your job is done—the marketing of your app is as important as its creation. Employ social media and other related promotions and collaborate with social media influencers and ASO to target users and encourage them to download the app.

Features of an App Like Mercari

To create a successful app like Mercari, you’ll need to include the following key features:

1. User Registration and Profile Management

Registration should include email, phone numbers, and social accounts. Users should also be able to control their profiles to edit profile details, view order history, and select payment options.

2. Product Listing and Search Functionality

Some features that should be present include uploading product pictures and entering descriptions and prices. Enhance the search engine to include features such as filters by category, price, and location that would assist users in arriving at what they seek as quickly as possible.

3. In-app chat and Notifications

Allow buyers and sellers to talk with each other using in-app chat. This feature should include alerts about new messages, offers, and transaction status.

4. Secure Payment Gateway Integration

Ensure safe payment methods are integrated into the application to handle payments made. This should entail accepting several forms of payment, such as credit or debit cards, e-wallet services, and bank transfers. Make sure that all the transactions are encrypted.

5. Shipping and Tracking

Offer users possible shipping and tracking options for the goods they bought. This may involve collaborations with shipping companies and their logistics tracking solutions. Users must be able to track the status of their shipments in real time and even select their preferred shipping mode.

6. Ratings and Reviews

Allow users to rate each other and give their opinion about the deal made. This feature makes community members trust the system and other members, ensuring that quality services are offered by those who are trusted.

7. Admin Panel

An admin panel is required to control the application and monitor accompanied transactions, solve arguments or disputes, control user accounts, and change content.

8. Push Notifications

Explain how to use push notifications to notify users about new messages, offers, and other relevant information. This helps enhance user traffic or repeat patronage of the Site.

Cost To Develop An App Like Mercari

The general cost of developing the Mercari app will depend on the features to be included, the technologies to be utilized, and the geographical location of the development team. Developing an app such as Mercari may take anywhere from $49,999 to $19,9999.

Factors Affecting the Cost:

  • Development Team Location: Outsourcing developers to countries with relatively low labor costs can be cost-effective. However, cheap labor should maintain the quality of the product.
  • Technology Stack: This is particularly true because factors such as the selection of programming languages, frameworks, and third-party services can dictate the costs. According to the article under analysis, operating expenses can be decreased by choosing open-source technologies.
  • Number of Features: The common fallacy with features and functions is that the more options you incorporate, the higher the Mercari app development cost. Consider essential features and implement confined elements in further upgrades.
  • Design Complexity: If the layout of each section of the Site or app is particular, complex, or tailored to a specific audience, this will add time to the timeline and increase the cost.
  • App Maintenance: Maintenance, enhancements, updating services, bug identification and correction, and server maintenance would also increase the app’s expenses.

How Much Does It Cost To Maintain An App Like Mercari?

Keeping an app like Mercari constantly involves updates, bug fixes, managing the server, and addressing users’ concerns. The annual maintenance cost usually is 14% to 21 % of the initial development cost. For instance, if your app costs $99,999 to develop, then it will be reasonable for you to spend $14,999-$19,999 to maintain it in a year.

Key Maintenance Tasks:

  • Bug Fixes and Updates: Always update the application to fix any bugs that may occur, enhance its performance, and incorporate new features.
  • Server Management: Check that your server is optimized and can handle the app traffic effectively.
  • Customer Support: It is also necessary to sustain user engagement and help them overcome any difficulties.
  • Security Monitoring: Ensure the app’s security is checked for flaws and fixed if necessary.

How Mercari Works and Its Business Model

Mercari is affiliated with a commission-only model since the company earns income based on the percentage of sales made through the application. This commission is typically within 10% to 20% of the house’s sale price. Mercari also provides extra features like shipping labels and selling promo stuff, which are other sources of income as well.

Steps of Mercari app Working Process:

  1. User Registration: Consumers input their details to become subscribers and set up a profile.
  2. Product Listing: Sellers introduce products to the market by uploading product pictures, writing short descriptions about the products, and stating the selling price.
  3. Browsing and Searching: Users browse electronic catalogs or type in particular product codes or names to find what they need.
  4. Transaction: Even if the buyer has decided to buy an item, he or she will also pay online through the app. Mercari holds the money until the buyer receives the product or item sold.
  5. Shipping: Mercari links various shipping services the sellers use for the item to the buyer.
  6. Rating and Review: All this is done online in a structured manner; once the transaction is complete, the buyers and sellers can rate each other and post their comments.


Building an app like Mercari offers a promising opportunity to tap into the developing e-trade marketplace. You could create a hit and profitable platform by improving the Mercari clone app, integrating essential features, and understanding the fee implications. Whether you are a startup seeking to enter the marketplace or an established enterprise aiming to increase your offerings, this guide affords the insights you want to construct an aggressive app that meets customers’ wishes and expectations.


1. What is the average time required to develop an app like Mercari?

The development time for an app like Mercari typically ranges from 6 to 365 days, depending on the features’ complexity and the dimensions of the improvement team.

2. What are the essential features to include in an app like Mercari?

Essential features encompass user registration, product listing, seek capability, stable fee gateways, in-app chat, shipping integration, ratings and critiques, and an admin panel.

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