Food App

The on-demand food delivery industry has seen tremendous growth in recent years, with platforms like GrubHub leading the charge. If you’re looking to build a GrubHub clone app, you’ve picked the right time. The convenience of ordering food with just a few taps on a mobile device has made these apps indispensable. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to create a successful GrubHub-like food delivery app that can compete with established players in the market.

Why Build a GrubHub Clone App?

Before diving into the development process, it’s essential to understand why creating a GrubHub clone app is a great idea. The global food delivery market is projected to reach $320 billion by 2029, making it a lucrative industry. Platforms like GrubHub, UberEats, and DoorDash have already set the standard, and users are more than willing to explore new food delivery options.

By developing a GrubHub clone, you can tap into this booming market and offer a platform that caters to local or niche markets, unique food options, or additional features that existing apps may lack. Plus, with the right monetization strategy, you can generate substantial revenue from commissions, delivery fees, and in-app advertisements.

Essential Features of a GrubHub Clone App

To create a GrubHub clone that can compete in the market, your app must offer a set of core features that users expect. Here are the key features to include in your app:

1. User Registration and Profiles

Allow users to sign up easily using their email, phone number, or social media accounts. A well-designed user profile feature will enable customers to save their favorite restaurants, addresses, and order history.

2. Restaurant Listings

Ensure your app features a comprehensive list of restaurants with menus, pricing, and customer reviews. You can also include filters for cuisine type, delivery time, and rating.

3. Real-Time Order Tracking

Real-time tracking is one of the most popular features in on-demand food delivery apps. Customers should be able to see where their food is, from the moment the order is placed until it reaches their door.

4. Payment Integration

To make the user experience seamless, your GrubHub clone must support multiple payment gateways such as credit/debit cards, mobile wallets (like Apple Pay and Google Pay), and cash-on delivery options.

5. Push Notifications

Push notifications keep users informed about their orders, promotions, and offers. This feature helps improve user engagement and retention.

6. Ratings and Reviews

Allow customers to leave ratings and reviews for restaurants and delivery personnel. This helps maintain quality and builds trust between users and the service providers.

7. Admin Dashboard

An admin dashboard is critical for managing restaurant partnerships, customer queries, payment processing, and marketing campaigns.

8. Delivery Partner App

Create a dedicated app for delivery personnel to manage their deliveries, receive real-time navigation, and track their earnings.

9. Loyalty Programs

To retain customers, introduce loyalty programs that offer points for frequent users, discounts, or free deliveries after a certain number of orders.

10. Multi-language and Multi-currency Support

If you plan to expand globally, your app must have multi-language and multi-currency support to cater to users from different regions.

Step-by-Step Guide to Building a GrubHub Clone App

1. Conduct Market Research

Before starting the development, conduct thorough market research. Understand the food delivery market trends, user preferences, and competitors in the region you plan to target. Identify gaps in the market that your GrubHub clone can fill, such as offering unique cuisines or faster delivery options.

2. Choose the Right Platform

Next, decide whether you want to build your app for iOS, Android, or both. Most food delivery apps are developed for both platforms, but you can start with one and expand later based on demand.

3. Hire a Development Team

To develop a successful GrubHub clone, you’ll need an experienced team of developers, including UI/UX designers, mobile app developers, backend developers, and quality assurance testers. You can either hire a full-time team or work with a development agency.

4. Design the User Interface (UI)

A great user interface can make or break your app. Focus on creating an intuitive and user-friendly design. The UI should be simple enough for all types of users to navigate without any hassle. This includes easy-to-access buttons, clear menus, and a simple checkout process.

5. Backend Development

The backend is the core of your app, handling data storage, order processing, payment handling, and more. You’ll need a reliable backend system to manage everything smoothly. Technologies like Node.js, Ruby on Rails, or Laravel are great choices for handling the backend of food delivery apps.

6. API Integration

You’ll need to integrate third-party APIs for different functionalities, including payment gateways, Google Maps API for real-time tracking, and SMS/email APIs for notifications.

7. Test the App

Testing is a crucial step before launching your app. Run multiple tests to identify bugs, improve performance, and ensure that the user experience is smooth. Testing should include functional tests, usability tests, and security tests to make sure that your users’ data remains protected.

8. Launch and Market Your App

Once the app is ready and tested, it’s time to launch! Create a comprehensive marketing plan that includes social media marketing, email campaigns, and partnerships with local restaurants. You can also offer discounts or free delivery to attract new users in the initial stages.

Development Costs of a GrubHub Clone App

The cost of developing a GrubHub clone depends on various factors, including the features, platform, and development team you choose. On average, the cost ranges between $30,000 to $150,000. Here’s a breakdown of the factors that influence the cost:

  • App Platform (iOS, Android, or both)
  • Number of Features
  • UI/UX Design Complexity
  • Backend Infrastructure
  • Third-party API Integration
  • Testing and Quality Assurance

For those with a smaller budget, you can start with an MVP (Minimum Viable Product) that includes the essential features. As your user base grows, you can add advanced features like AI-based restaurant suggestions and voice-enabled ordering.

Monetization Strategies for Your GrubHub Clone App

To make your GrubHub clone financially viable, you need to implement the right monetization strategies. Here are a few options:

1. Commissions from Restaurants

Charge restaurants a commission for every order placed through your platform. This is the most common revenue model for food delivery apps.

2. Delivery Charges

You can also earn revenue by charging customers a delivery fee based on their order value or distance from the restaurant.

3. In-App Advertising

Another option is to offer in-app advertising for restaurants that want to promote their business. Featured listings or banners can be a great source of income.

4. Subscription Plans

Offer premium users subscription plans that include benefits like free delivery, exclusive offers, and faster delivery times.


Building a GrubHub clone app is a lucrative opportunity, but it requires meticulous planning, market research, and a skilled development team. From user-friendly design to seamless functionality, every detail matters when competing in the food delivery industry. By following the steps outlined in this guide and focusing on delivering value to your users, your GrubHub clone has the potential to succeed in the crowded market.

If you’re ready to take the plunge into the world of on-demand food delivery apps, there’s no better time to start than now!

Also Read: How to Build an App Like Hungerstation

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